Google Maps Quizzes Notice

Hello all, due to the site getting many thousands of unique users per day and almost 100K Google Maps quizzes being played per week, I’ve had to make a choice to manage the costs associated with everyone playing those.

I’ve wanted to allow as many people as possible to enjoy the Google Maps quizzes but with so many users now it’s just not feasible. My costs have been well over $1000/month for the Google Maps API (there isn’t an alternative anywhere near as good, nor available for much less for such a large volume), so I’ve decided upon the following, which will begin in early June.

The World & US-based Google Maps quizzes will be playable for all users (Premium or not) every other week for the duration of the week (weeks based on Sunday-Saturday US Central Time). The other weeks the Europe-based Google Maps quizzes will be playable by all players. If you are a Premium member you will always be able to play all the Google Maps quizzes all the time. Non-Premium users will have one week be World-US, and the next Europe, then back to World-US and so forth.

All Africa/Asia/North America (except US-only)/Oceania/South America and non geography-based (i.e. sports quizzes that use maps) Google Maps quizzes will be available at all times for all users.

This is something I hope will work out, and is a way for me to offer all Google Maps quizzes to even non-Premium members but in a more cost effective way. I am also looking for ways to increase the perks to Premium members in the coming month or two. Non Google-Maps quizzes will not be affected in any way.

Thank you to everyone who has become a member, and it has helped me move forward and create lots of great new map-based quizzes for everyone! is a one-man operation and my full-time job, so costs do come into play as much as I want everyone to play all the quizzes all the time.

As a little incentive and a thank you for reading this far, until I implement these changes you can become a Lifetime Premium Member for 25% less (a $5 savings) using the discount code MAPS 🙂

Thanks again and happy quizzing!


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