• New Displaying For Missed Cities On Coverage Quizzes

    New Displaying For Missed Cities On Coverage Quizzes

    Now instead of just seeing purple markers you need to mouseover to see details for missed cities on coverage quizzes, the markers will have labels …
  • Premium Members Can Link Largest Cities Quizzes To Learning

    Premium Members Can Link Largest Cities Quizzes To Learning

    If you’re a Premium member, you will now see the following two options displayed when you finish a ‘Largest Cities’ quiz (the regular ones, not …
  • Learning Is Now Live!

    Learning Is Now Live!

    New for everyone – learning mode! Using learning tools for both continents (available to all) and individual countries (for Premium users) with dozens of learning …
  • Coming This Week – Learning Mode!

    Coming This Week – Learning Mode!

    Want to practice learning cities without taking a quiz? Coming this week, Premium members can do just that! Try out the World Version and let …
  • The Biggest Quizzes on hugequiz

    The Biggest Quizzes on hugequiz

    Now you can see a list of the largest quizzes on hugequiz – these are quizzes which have 100 or more variations you can choose …
  • Some Quizzes Moving To Premium-Only

    Some Quizzes Moving To Premium-Only

    I will be moving a batch of quizzes in the next week or so to Premium-only (meaning only hugequiz Premium users are able to take …
  • MLB & Negro League Stats

    MLB & Negro League Stats

    As baseball fans may have heard, MLB has just incorporated Negro League stats into their all-time record books. This affects some quizzes (such as MLB …
  • City Quizzes Marked As Live

    City Quizzes Marked As Live

    I’ve begun marking the ‘Date Updated’ date to ‘Live’ for a good number of city quizzes – you will notice the date set to ‘Live’ …
  • New Data For South African Cities On City Quizzes

    New Data For South African Cities On City Quizzes

    As South Africa’s definition for a ‘city’ is very confusing, I’ve decided to replace my former usage of ‘places’ from citypopulation.de with the ‘Urban Areas …
  • Premium Members Now See Score Ranks With Total Quiztakers

    Premium Members Now See Score Ranks With Total Quiztakers

    I’ve added a tiny feature for Premium members – now when you see your score ranking it will also show the total number of unique …
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