Coming Soon – Head To Head Mode!

I’ve just begun launching Head to Head live 2-player quizzes! I’ll keep you posted on those where I’ve started testing right here.

2/19/25 – Most Expanding Circles quizzes. Turn-Based mode only available for these.

One player will create the game and send a 6-digit code to the other to join up on that quiz, then the quiz will begin.

There will be two modes – one a ‘Race’ mode where players will both take the quiz at the same time and see who can get the most answers, and another ‘Alternating’ mode where the two players take turns answering the same quiz. Certain quizzes will have both modes available, others just one. For example, the World 100 Km Expanding Circles Challenge will be alternating only, where players take turns answering cities in successive expanding circles.

I’ll be tinkering a bit with how these work before hopefully making them available within a week or two. They will be available to all players for quizzes all players (not just Premium) can play, and be for Premium members for the quizzes that Premium members only can play (such as Google Maps quizzes). For Premium-only quizzes, both players will need to be Premium members to play Head-To-Head.


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