Updated 2-3-16
Performance leaderboard shows quiz performance for all users who have taken at least 100 quizzes which have at least 25 scores saved and have taken at least 5 new such quizzes within the past 2 weeks. This is sorted by %, which is the average percentile each user finishes in among all such quizzes. ‘Leader’ refers to number of these quizzes in which the user has the best score (or is tied), Top 3 refers to quizzes in which that user is in top 3, etc. This will be updated each Wednesday.
User % Total Leader Top 3 Top 5 Top 10
Philip 94.3 431 299 349 368 388
montecarlo 87.9 102 71 71 74 75
keltopi 83.8 682 150 252 336 432
SKGoBlue 80.8 583 37 114 191 344
silveroa 78.8 351 119 147 161 199
Shifty 77.2 584 93 150 189 249
Cheetah 76.8 243 37 46 56 89
Simon 75.5 119 48 52 56 65
marcobr 73.8 412 19 53 106 210
mmcgraw 73.6 274 36 52 65 91
igloojoe 73.2 173 11 26 36 53
blocho 73.0 1658 62 164 293 647
budmelman 73.0 361 13 31 50 102
deathfrog 72.6 422 9 52 97 165
jona44 71.9 695 167 212 247 328
Sporclanon 71.8 603 110 148 202 286
soundscape 71.4 1086 133 205 268 430
akkidog 71.3 767 52 94 154 285
chemkiller 71.2 123 3 4 8 23
hunter 71.1 510 73 82 101 148
whadams3 69.8 277 14 39 76 139
chairback 68.9 575 5 23 51 140
bsd987 68.3 614 118 163 189 236
Neotenic 68.1 280 3 19 46 90
Sesel 68.0 238 25 33 43 69
wildman 67.9 1113 83 111 162 317
hilco 67.9 741 51 69 114 246
mothball 67.8 1039 62 86 136 292
Questy 67.7 500 31 63 93 182
saf5109 67.6 1003 35 61 86 203
mucciniale 67.0 1711 120 224 327 614
SqrlMnkey 66.6 517 20 53 105 192
KirbyKyle 66.2 828 31 44 67 159
theoden 66.0 765 64 76 100 172
Raphlein 65.6 799 140 183 219 302
krazykarl 65.6 637 32 55 82 174
schrempf11 65.6 364 6 16 36 95
agentutah 65.1 719 18 23 29 81
potsie 65.1 230 9 29 41 80
hpmolly 64.9 415 2 12 39 85
bus7 64.1 1020 42 55 86 178
boeuf 63.1 338 64 74 80 102
RustCohl 63.1 169 2 12 21 42
harharhar 62.8 672 21 51 80 179
mubob 62.8 368 8 9 16 41
chocabloc 62.1 379 4 15 29 73
wildebeest 61.5 146 2 6 10 21
candaroglu 61.2 275 1 6 10 35
mwp7056 60.8 289 12 28 53 88
DcNarwhal 60.1 334 7 24 45 97
Fojin 59.7 1202 42 60 88 222
otarmy2002 58.9 343 0 3 11 43
alien1011 58.8 792 22 30 38 100
danwerr 58.6 385 8 19 32 76
riverjack 58.6 315 24 34 49 72
grandy4789 58.5 152 3 3 6 15
blimpkin 58.5 111 13 14 16 22
milwaukeye 58.4 895 61 100 140 223
emefkay99 58.3 670 38 47 53 91
icenine 58.3 589 5 14 35 96
beastdog75 58.0 220 2 12 31 58
olesm 57.8 128 2 3 3 6
ars427x 57.6 523 4 6 19 55
bmccarthy 57.4 294 24 26 33 52
Greta 57.2 577 25 37 48 80
mnsports85 57.1 1070 2 28 59 189
oli103 57.1 560 28 36 44 87
marky89 56.9 600 18 25 32 64
Traino 56.8 164 0 1 4 11
jabro 56.4 115 33 36 36 40
TAS7 56.1 530 18 26 39 82
HMan 56.1 481 2 7 19 60
Alastair 55.5 1157 12 77 116 225
dukie98 55.3 719 8 18 31 58
steecee 55.0 396 33 37 40 54
vaaandga 54.8 595 17 21 26 52
Sal88 54.7 386 6 8 19 42
Hirsby 54.5 617 10 29 47 96
MeredithMA 54.4 168 12 16 22 32
axgtd 54.2 1238 60 92 122 264
dweinstein 54.1 292 9 19 27 53
Charles95 54.0 392 31 34 40 58
misterhess 53.5 888 74 91 115 179
djklaw 53.4 392 10 19 37 66
funbobby76 53.3 108 12 12 14 22
tsmaren 53.2 1197 33 42 53 105
beezles 53.1 302 2 4 10 29
minnmich 52.8 560 6 13 24 84
robzalli 52.7 520 30 38 43 60
Maldives 52.5 300 1 2 7 16
mogwai316 52.4 454 0 1 6 24
Scooter23 52.2 636 2 5 8 42
easyed 52.1 155 0 1 4 27
jsfranklin 51.9 576 56 61 69 79
JohnG 51.8 756 8 14 33 81
blarger 51.6 115 9 10 12 14
goldenmanj 51.2 108 10 10 10 13
ramhi 51.1 832 17 23 45 116
dpmatt 51.0 173 3 7 8 20
notthesea 50.9 249 7 7 9 16
fatuhiva 50.9 164 6 6 8 16
andyman614 50.8 743 25 55 75 123
FargoBound 50.7 944 15 21 28 72
TheWildOne 50.5 390 2 3 8 28
gpj73 50.4 984 23 28 28 81
vegas 50.2 777 3 11 28 75
TwinTown 49.5 431 27 28 33 51
ZenophileX 49.4 376 8 9 11 21
kidcanada 49.1 595 5 7 19 50
TMoney 48.4 941 28 55 79 144
timpiwo 48.2 254 13 14 17 26
Clay89 48.0 122 0 0 0 6
Akasp 47.6 703 85 97 112 146
baseball14 47.6 496 6 19 30 60
cb123 47.5 259 2 7 13 41
chipbolton 47.3 1274 25 31 47 104
waynejoe 46.7 514 14 20 28 63
NickW1 46.4 275 3 4 5 12
RadiationP 46.4 161 1 1 1 7
apeekrtr 46.1 174 1 2 4 10
JHaugJr 46.0 872 1 18 32 79
victoria 45.7 352 4 6 10 22
fraxby 45.6 271 12 14 15 20
FretfulP 45.5 577 2 3 7 12
Chandelier 45.2 468 3 8 13 36
rprager 44.6 281 12 16 23 44
Solitaire 44.5 625 23 24 28 43
roddieb 44.5 505 2 6 11 35
doctober34 43.7 756 2 4 5 43
frLynn19 43.7 283 1 1 2 14
Finnoz 43.1 889 5 6 14 58
wooden 43.1 403 10 19 26 39
LB013 43.0 162 1 1 1 3
archerra 42.9 812 15 32 46 81
BChampion 42.8 428 1 2 3 12
Verlaine 42.6 463 1 1 6 14
ViScorp 42.5 103 0 5 11 11
CrowTRobot 42.4 715 7 10 15 29
Canes 42.3 638 22 29 44 75
jmiller678 42.3 301 3 4 7 15
yzermike 42.0 488 3 5 7 26
emajic1 42.0 344 0 0 2 11
delta1 41.7 1167 4 5 10 40
arkaithz 41.6 921 24 44 69 145
exlibris00 41.6 181 1 1 1 7
Ovimiat 41.5 200 1 2 2 5
paleoguy 41.4 163 3 3 3 6
Vanillite 41.3 524 43 45 47 54
mattfinn 41.0 374 2 4 7 24
UMassFan12 41.0 212 15 17 19 23
mafisch 41.0 100 0 1 1 3
Caz3773 40.8 1059 5 5 9 38
pancakes88 40.8 746 6 6 8 25
warren13 40.6 713 2 3 5 25
arcticsea 40.4 397 3 4 9 26
fastbigd 40.2 741 5 5 5 15
zwinston 40.2 543 2 2 2 6
thenoodler 40.1 416 1 4 10 32
Aiwendil 40.1 299 3 4 9 20
curtwpg 39.7 510 3 12 17 32
ethan35 39.5 543 18 18 24 49
snorlat 39.5 489 4 5 6 17
mjkelly42 39.5 191 10 11 13 16
Banana 39.3 244 5 6 8 8
mrjoeboo 38.9 1137 9 19 32 69
gopaladins 38.5 527 23 27 30 42
jarquill 38.3 555 5 13 23 46
Kevo74 38.3 359 3 5 7 16
37antelope 37.8 959 12 14 19 42
Bluebebop 37.4 803 1 6 16 42
spud814 37.3 915 6 11 16 38
wkufan 36.5 352 11 12 12 18
jdobre 36.4 359 2 2 2 7
casuistry 36.3 358 1 1 1 7
jojothehun 36.3 105 0 0 0 2
briskt 36.1 556 36 37 38 45
RogerAK 35.9 617 1 2 2 9
chico 35.5 1148 10 21 42 88
erlking 34.9 582 0 0 4 8
MaxPower 34.8 736 3 10 14 32
briilarr 34.5 466 9 15 19 31
shoreline 34.5 340 0 1 1 3
evildoer 34.4 381 3 3 3 6
thelow 33.2 723 8 9 10 18
jschamber2 32.6 961 3 5 6 18
actorgersh 32.5 373 0 0 2 5
markymark 32.4 1237 3 3 6 25
tarre 32.3 283 6 7 7 11
grgmrgn 31.5 1614 7 8 11 24
Stork 31.3 486 6 6 7 11
jprg1966 31.2 803 0 1 2 12
istvan13 31.2 362 0 1 2 7
4tothe4th 30.4 449 12 12 13 15
ramuscl 30.2 520 0 0 0 5
northfield 30.1 200 2 2 3 8
spam55 30.1 143 1 1 2 2
sportswiz 29.9 100 1 1 1 1
drqfunk 29.2 381 1 1 1 2
JamoHki 29.0 1282 9 9 13 37
Klinkhamer 28.5 832 5 8 9 14
db20 28.3 156 0 1 1 1
Andy 26.8 607 6 6 7 9
brhelmi1 25.5 788 21 25 27 33
LazyOsprey 25.5 101 0 0 0 3
codh 25.4 427 2 2 2 7
charith 23.1 184 0 0 0 0
stevef 22.2 209 3 3 4 5
Rpk219 21.0 156 1 1 1 2
Heisenberg 17.8 849 9 10 11 15
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