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Europe City Random Grid


First chose a difficulty by typing ‘beg’, ‘int’, ‘adv, or ‘exp’ – Beginner is 5 degrees, Intermediate 2.5 degrees, Advanced 1 degrees, and Expert 0.5 degrees. A grid of your chosen square size will be placed randomly on the map. Then, enter the largest city (min 10K population) in each grid square of the size based on your difficulty. Green squares contain answers. Adv and Exp levels may take a few moments to load.

hugequiz Premium members will see the top 25 missed cities at the end of the quiz as purple markers – you can mouseover them to see city details for each.

Enter level to begin ('beg', 'int', 'adv', or 'exp').
Quiz Takers 
Jake Lyons - GeoGuessr - 98K views
GeoStiino - 6K views

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5 months ago

The Russian city of “Sirius” (as it is saved in-game) appears as “Adler” on both English and German Google Maps. I have found that a part of Adler is called Sirius, as there are a lot of places with Sirius there. However, it is within city borders of Adler still

5 months ago
Reply to  gujucdnd

all of that coast area (Adler etc.) is part of Sochi, it’s a very long city

however Sirius became a separate town recently (in 2020)

9 months ago

What is the city west off Karlstad and northern off Lidköping in sweden??

10 months ago

Why can’t I see all missed cities as a premium user but only the biggest 25?

10 months ago

Why do cities in this quiz have different population counts compared to other quizes? For example Amsterdam in this quiz has 872757, but on world 50K+ city coverage quiz it has 1114745. Is it because on 50K+ city quizes you are including 10-50K population suburbs?

10 months ago
Reply to  darin

London for instance is also different: it shows up as 8992166 in this quiz, but in the world 50k+ city coverage it is 9088994. I haven’t looked at other cities, I just noticed these 2. I presume this change also affected the UK?

10 months ago

good quiz but not enough time

10 months ago

What is the largest city in the northern coast of lake Ladoga between Impilahti and Vitele? I typed Pitkäranta which is the only city above 10k population in the square but it didn’t work. The name of the city should be the same in Russian and Finnish.

10 months ago
Reply to  MJ00

it’s Pitkyaranta in Russian

10 months ago

For the “Benelux” square, the answer was Brussels. This is incorrect as Amsterdam has more than double the population.

10 months ago

so many cities not working …. just giving example of Brno, 2nd largest in Czech Republic …….

10 months ago

How is it showing Oslo and Copenhagen population over 1million but not Helsinki. These are all pretty similar size cities… Obviously using the metro population for Oslo and Copenhagen but only city proper for Helsinki… Smh.

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