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Top 5000 US Surnames Triple Blackout


Fill in the 100 squares with 3 top 5000 US surnames based on the categories in the top row and the first letter of the name given in the cell. For example, if you are looking at a cell with ‘C’ in its row, and ‘4 Letters’ in the column, that cell can be filled in with ‘Cook.’ When a cell is completed it fills in green.

Surnames not in the top 5000 will not be accepted.

Occasionally a cell may not have any qualifying answer, in which case it will be filled in bright green and be a gimme. Cells with two answers left will have a very dark green background, those with one answer left more of an evergreen shade, and finally bright green for those which have been completed. Some cells with only 1 or 2 valid answers will start with a green shade corresponding to how many answers are left.

hugequiz Premium members will see missed answers in red – they will be the most popular surname which qualified in each cell.

Enter guesses above to begin.
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1 month ago

Need to check the 3-letter “B” names, two seem to be duplicated and it wont accept it twice

1 month ago

I noticed Kelly shows up as an unanswered name even if you put it in. it is highlighted green and red and shows up twice

1 month ago
Reply to  sheamcc

same thing with Owen

1 month ago
Reply to  sheamcc

and Villanueva, Nicholson, Fitzgerald, Harris, John…

Last edited 1 month ago by alexfish86
1 month ago
Reply to  alexfish86

and Evans

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