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Netherlands All Places By Province – Choose Province


First choose any Netherlands province by entering it and choosing from the drop-down list. Then, name all cities in that province trying to get the highest total population. Quiz is not timed. Places for this quiz refer to ‘Urban Centers’ per the Dutch census.

Enter province name to choose province.
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1 month ago

These are not places in Flevoland, just neighbourhoods:  #1 Emmeloord-Emmelhage (0%) #2 Nobelhorst (23.52%)  #3 Lelystad-Zuigerplas (0%)#23 #4 Lelystad-Kromkamp (0%) #5 Houtribhaven (0%) #6 Lelystad-Parkhaven (0%) #7 Flevopoort (5.88%) #8 Lelystad-Groene Velden (0%) #9 Lelystad-Jagersveld (0%) #10 Almere-Schapenbos (0%)
Can you remove them from the list?
Many regards, Paul

Last edited 1 month ago by Cabrio
1 month ago
Reply to  darin

Thanks for your reply.
I’m afraid they are wrong. I grow up in that province and never heard of those ‘places’.

9 months ago

Oud-Loosdrecht/Nieuw-loosdrecht are here with Utrecht (it’s in North Holland). On the map you can see both fall outside of the provincial borders.

8 months ago
Reply to  darin

Maybe you should’t rely too much on our Germans friends. They have 80 years old maps probably 😀 And we’re continuously changing our lower administrative divisions as you know by now. 🙂

Last edited 8 months ago by Klinkhamer
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