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Argentina Cities Learning
Click on the number of cities below the guess box. This will show that many of the largest cities on the map with markers and labels.. You can click SHOW/HIDE POP and SHOW/HIDE RANK to display or not display that info next to each city name. The cities you have memorized and removed from the map are stored as a browser cookie so whenever you come back to the map (using the same browser) they will still be there. Clearing your cookies will therefore reset the saved cities as well.
To practice learning, you can double-click on a city’s marker to remove it from the map and move it to the right panel of ‘Cities Memorized.’ To Undo the previous movement of a city to the memorized list, simply click UNDO LAST under the list of cities on the right. To move ALL cities back to the map click RESET ALL (be careful this resets everything!). To move a single city back simply double-click on the icon to the right of the city name.
This is NOT a quiz, just a learning tool, so you can’t answer anything into the guess box nor are there high scores.
This seems at odds with the regional quizzes?
Not sure what you’re referring to?
For example, Almirante Brown works on the Argentina Largest quiz, but not on the South America largest, where it’s Adrogue. Adrogue doesn’t work on the Argentina Largest. There’s a few others in the Buenos Aires region that are like that
Ah I see – fixing these now. The South America/World ones had alternate names which I’m changing to match the Argentina quiz.