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World 100 Closest Cities – Choose Any City


Begin by typing in any 50K+ world city in the format City, Country – i.e. ‘Moscow, Russia’. Use ‘Bosnia’ for Bosnia & Herz, ‘Czech’ for Czech Republic, ‘CAR’ for Central Afr Republic, ‘DRC’ for Dem Rep of the Congo, ‘UK’ for United Kingdom, ‘UAE’ for United Arab Emirates, and ‘US’ for United States. There are a handful of cities with the same name in the same country. For those in the US, add the state in the format ‘City, State, US’ – i.e. ‘Aurora, CO, US’ – for other countries, add a number corresponding to the population rank for that city among similar-named cities in that country, i.e. for the largest Fuzhou, China, type ‘Fuzhou, China1’. Then name the 100 closest cities to the one you chose.

Enter city to begin (i.e. 'Cairo, Egypt').
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9 months ago

Can you change is so you can see the ones you missed on the map instead of just 20 missed

1 year ago

I think there might be an issue with multiple cities in a certain country. When I try doing Yushu, Qinghai, China; I get led to the one in Jilin. Even when I type “2” and then the rest before, it doesn’t recognize “Yushu, China2.”

1 year ago

I have a premium account and not able to see missed answers on this quiz…will that be added?

1 year ago

US cities don’t work for me, though UK do. Is there some issue with the abbreviation?

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