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US Capital Coverage Challenge
DirectionsEnter a US capital – all capitals within 200 miles will also fill in. Try to fill in all capitals in the smallest number of circles.
hugequiz Premium members will see the 25 largest missed cities at the end of the quiz as large, purple markers.
Sources I’ve checked show it’s 193 miles from Columbia to Atlanta, but the map seems to indicate it’s just a shade over 200.
I can only use what the Google Maps API says is the distance…obviously minor discrepancies will exist. I’ll double check that the quiz is using routes based on shortest distance and not factoring time into the route choice.
Wait… are you using routes to determine distance? Saying “within 200 miles” seems to indicate that you’re using an as-the-crow-flies measurement, not a travel measurement.
oh whoops I was thinking this was a route based quiz without even looking above at what it was haha…no this is as the crow flies, so the difference is due to coordinates.
also consider the coordinates used – the coordinates I have for a city are not likely the exact coordinates some services use when just typing in the city name and requesting directions. mine are based on Geonames coordinates, whereas different directions services may use city hall, or some other area within the city as the endpoint.
Yes it’s working here too now, must have been a bug or something…or my score was too low…
Although I’m logged in, my scores won’t save at all..
hmm – i just tested twice and worked here – you sure you hit all 50 capitals? did you immediately leave the page after completing the quiz?
i fixed the bug with the score saving even though all capitals weren’t completed – i did remove the 23 score, if it was good sorry, you’ll have to post again.
The top score of 1 is pretty amazing. If it were true, though, all U.S. state capitals would be within 200 miles of each other.
yeah fixing this right now. that’s quite the sweet spot if it were legit!
For the leaderboard, there needs to be a mechanism to require you to finish the quiz to have your score posted. I got called away after 4 moves, and after time expired, my score was posted.
oh yeah forgot about that…I’ll fix shortly for both this and world one.