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Europe 50 Closest Cities With Same First Letter – Choose Any City
DirectionsBegin by typing in any 10K+ Europe city/town/etc which doesn’t start with ‘Q’ or ‘X’ in the format City, Country – i.e. ‘Rome, Italy’ NOTE: there are a handful of cities with the same name in a country, to select them type in a number after the city which is based on the population rank of the one you want. For example – to select the largest Frankfurt, Germany, type ‘Frankfurt, Germany1′. That city will appear as a pink marker and the 50 closest cities/towns/etc (not including the one you chose) that begin with the same letter as your city (using most common English spelling) will also appear. ‘Closest Cities’ on bottom left shows the top number of closest cities in a row you have completed (i.e. a ‘3’ if you have the 3 closest but not the 4th). Object is highest population among 50 closest, not total places. High scores only kept for cities of 25K+ population.
When I type in Helsinki, Finland, at first the only score appearing is mykl’s, but then his score disappears and JamoHlki’s and mine are the only one appearing.
Oh, well… actually, mykl’s score appears even before I type in a city…
fixed, it’s a bad score from a wrong score table.