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Europe Largest 5-Letter Cities
DirectionsFirst choose the number of cities by typing ‘100’, ‘250’, ‘500’, or ‘all’ – then try to achieve the highest population among European 5-letter 10K+ population cities you chose. Tried to use most common English spelling for city names.
doesn’t make sense that some multi word cities are included if the first part is 5 letters and some aren’t
for example Torre del Greco included but Torre Annunziata isn’t
Gioia del Colle is included but Gioia Tauro isn’tRosny-sous-Bois included but Livry-Gargan isn’t etc.
I have adjusted these – they are based on the full name and I had some computing total letters off the partial shortened name. But for some cities very often referred to using a shortened name (like Frankfurt) I go with the shortened, common name.
these were just 3 examples there are dozens of others too (like in France every city that’s “sur” or “en” something)
it’s a good thing that we don’t have to type full names in general but they shouldn’t appear on quizzes like these which ask for an exact amount of letters
for some reason the markers for Halle, Essen, and Lille aren’t disappearing (even tho they’re counted into the stats)
fixing this now – thanks.