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Europe Largest 8-Letter Cities
DirectionsFirst choose the number of cities by typing ‘100’, ‘250’, ‘500’, or ‘all’ – then try to achieve the highest population among European 8-letter 10K+ population cities you chose. Tried to use most common English spelling for city names.
Kashira has 7 letters. Or is there an 8-letter way to translate from Cyrillic?
yeah had a lesser used translation, fixed now so it’s on the 7-letter quiz.
can you accept Nikolaev and Bobruisk please
Could it be you forgot Nurnberg(GER) and Den Bosch (NL)?
This quiz uses the common English spelling so it’s Nuremberg… expect the city to be featured in the next quiz of the series. I have no idea for Den Bosch but if the Wikipedia article is anything to go by it’s “s-Hertogenbosch”. Obviously for this kind of quizzes there can’t be any alternative spellings.
I used nuremberg and s-hert…obviously some of these can be debated.