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Europe Largest 12-Letter Cities
DirectionsFirst choose the number of cities by typing ‘100’, ‘250’, or ‘all’ – then try to achieve the highest population among Europe 12-letter 10K+ population cities you chose. Tried to use most common English spelling for city names.
I think that Saint Petersburg shouldn’t be on here (since it’s 15 letters). And in the “50 hardest” West Bromwich is listed twice
for ‘Saint’ i went with ‘St’ for countries where that is the typical spelling (via the country’s census/Wikipedia/other references to the city) – so for US/Russia and a few others it is ‘St’ whereas French/etc it is ‘Saint’ and other countries may be something like ‘Sankt’.
okay, though I’m pretty sure St. is not a typical spelling in Russia (since Russian doesn’t even have a St. abbreviation)
How long are you going to continue with this series?
If the US series is anything to go by, 14 letters… then a Long Names one for everything beyond that.
yeah long names coming soon for the balance, maybe one more 13-letter one.