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Europe Closest Cities To Your Location – Choose Number


Begin by entering a number of cities – ’50’, ‘100’, ‘250’, ‘5h’ or ‘1k’ – then name the closest Europe 10K+ cities to your geographic location (as determined by your browser’s location function). To use this quiz you will have to choose ‘Allow’ if your browser asks to share your current location – you also may have to restart the quiz after choosing this. If your browser does not allow getting your location the quiz will not load.

Enter number of cities to begin ('50', '100', '250', '5h' or '1k').
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9 years ago

Is there a way we can choose the location? I apparently reside in the middle of the Gulf of Guinea.

9 years ago
Reply to  fusty

Gulf of Guniea? Are you on a boat? 🙂 Well, guess you can still play the quiz using the closest African cities.

3 years ago
Reply to  fusty

Coordinates 0,0 are in the Gulf of Guinea…
Your location probably isn’t being determined properly and just sends you to 0,0.

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