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IMDB Most Popular Horror Movies (Live)


Enter ’50’, ‘100’, ‘250’ or ‘All’ to begin. Then name the most popular IMDB movies in terms of number of votes (min 10K) which are classified as Horror by IMDB. First two words suffice for longer titles. Total votes, year, and first letter (or ‘#’ for a number/punctuation beginning, ‘A’, ‘An’, or ‘The’ for movies beginning with those) shown.

This quiz is LIVE meaning it is updated daily with current IMDB figures.

Enter number of movies to begin ('50', '100', '250' or 'All').
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1 year ago

It is frankly bizarre to me that Hotel Transylvania is classified as a horror movie but Coraline isn’t.

1 year ago

Some inconsistencies in how answers are accepted. Saw and Scream bring up everything from 1 thru 5, but Saw VI and Scream VI need to be entered separately. Gremlins 2 doesn’t come up with just Gremlins (unlike Saw & Scream). Halloween brings up 9 answers including Halloween: Resurrection but not Halloween Kills. There may be others. These are just a couple I noticed.

1 year ago

Dr S***** is not a horror movie, that is a misclassification.
I would also argue that The M*** is not a horror either, more of a psychological thriller.
I appreciate this is an IMDB list but I am not suprised that 0% of people did not (at time of this comment) get them answers.

1 year ago
Reply to  darin

I understand that and is no way a reflection on you, but the idiots at IMDB haha.

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