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Studio Albums & Songs By Artist – Choose Artist


First, choose one of 100’s of artists by typing a name and selecting. Artists will be being added over time, I am choosing to focus on the ones with the most RIAA certified sales at first. Then, name that artist’s studio albums (in the Album entries) and songs (in the Tracks entries). First three words accepted for longer titles. Didn’t include bonus tracks, untitled tracks, etc.

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25 days ago

This is fun! just a head’s up, for Black Sabbath, I couldn’t figure out how to input N.I.B.
Also, are we going with the North American version of an album if it differs from the UK version? I get no deluxe editions, but they can be inconsistent especially in the 60s and early 70s.

8 months ago

Add AJR?

10 months ago

could you add My Chemical Romance please, it feel a bit empty without.

11 months ago

Could you add King Crimson and/or Twenty One Pilots?

1 year ago

Could we please have Jethro Tull, Lana Del Rey and Grateful Dead 🙂

1 year ago

can you add taylor swifts newest album – Midnights 3am version?

1 year ago

Could you add Journey’s latest album Freedom?

2 years ago

A great quiz1 Neil Young would be another one with an extensive back catalogue that would be great to have. Also, if you had time you could possibly include live albums as well or have a separate category maybe?

3 years ago

Michael, but not The Jackson Five, The Jacksons, Janet or Jermaine?

Also, if you were to add Jefferson Airplane, would Jefferson Starship and Starship be lumped in as well? I ask because CSN and CSNY are listed separately.

3 years ago

I am enjoying these! A few more potential artists from the rock n roll hall of fame might be: James Brown, Jimi Hendrix, Johnny Cash, Talking Heads, Jackson Browne and Leonard Cohen.

3 years ago

Neighbors not working for the Stones.

3 years ago

These are great! Have you got any more planned- maybe Prince, REM, Van Morrison, Neil Young…

3 years ago
Reply to  darin

Cool, thanks!

3 years ago
Reply to  darin

Could it be Uberlin is missing in the REM catalogue?

3 years ago
Reply to  darin

I do a lot of these on Sporcle. Now I don’t have to. I should point out that in the Alice In Chains one, Rainier Fog (the album title) is spelled correctly, but the title track has “Rainier” spelled “Rainer”. Also, “Texarkana” doesn’t show up in the R.E.M. quiz.

2 years ago
Reply to  TTOMO

Texarkana still not showing up

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