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Europe 10K+ Population Coverage


First choose a level by typing ‘beg’, ‘int’, ‘adv’ or ‘exp’ – beginner is 10,000,000, intermediate is 5,000,000, advanced is 1,000,000 and expert 500,000. Then, begin naming cities. All cities of 10K+ population starting with the city you chose and moving outward will begin filling in until you’ve hit a total population equal to or greater than your chosen level’s threshold. For example, if you choose ‘int’ – the threshold is 5 million. If you choose ‘paris’, then Paris will fill in and because its population is under 5 million, successive cities moving outward from Paris will fill in until the total population reaches at least 5 million. If you chose Moscow, only it would fill in as its population already meets your threshold.

hugequiz Premium members will see the 25 largest missed cities at the end of the quiz as large, purple markers.

Premium members can now also play a 3-hour time limit ‘custom’ coverage quiz of any population from 250,000 to 25,000,000, simply enter the population followed by a ‘.’ instead of choosing from one of the four levels, i.e. ‘750000.’ Quiz score is not recorded for the custom coverage option.

Try other geographies:
Asia Population Coverage | Africa Population Coverage
US Population Coverage | World 50K+ Population Coverage
Enter level to begin ('beg', 'int', 'adv', or 'exp').
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Bjorn Real - 474 views

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6 months ago

Hmm, the quiz seems to be freezing all of a sudden, there is a big lag from when i write an answer and when it registers, anyway to fix this? I love this quiz btw 🙂

1 year ago

How come Cascais and Estoril don’t work? Cascais municipality has over 100’000 population. It is situated west of Lisbon in Portugal.
Amazing quiz. On expert mode the difficulty is in finding the outskirts of big cities. Paris London or Berlin only give you 1 city each whereas naming 1 of their suburbs can bring 10 or 20 cities at once

1 year ago
Reply to  darin

same question on funchal

1 year ago

Reykjavik’s circle is impressive!

1 year ago
Reply to  stay42

wait until you see vorkuta’s!

1 year ago

Where do you draw the line in russia? Like what is the most eastern city you have to get because for me I got Voronezh but Nizhni was too far east I assume.

1 year ago
Reply to  Karmesin

you can enter Nizhny Novgorod.

1 year ago

I think the description should clarify what the aim is more clearly, I was already 10 minutes in when I realised I wasn’t aiming for an accumulated population of 10 million lol. Ik that’s just me being stupid but it might help others understand. Great game tho now I understand it lol

1 year ago

It doesn’t seem to recognise Maastricht.

1 year ago

Is there something I’m missing here? I completed every country apart from (obviously Russia) and POR, which I’m thinking is Portugal, but how? Is it Madeira, because Funchal is not entering.

1 year ago
Reply to  Jeodegaa1

hello!how did you fill that spot near Istanbul in Turkey?Can’t complete it

1 year ago
Reply to  afwdawf


1 year ago
Reply to  Jarder

thanks, varna+thesalloniki+nicosia helped me to finish with turkey

1 year ago
Reply to  afwdawf


1 year ago
Reply to  Jarder

sile is the one of istanbul’s districts

1 year ago

This crazy

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