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Benelux Largest Cities


First choose the number of cities by typing ’50’, ‘100’,’250′, or ‘all’ – then try to achieve the highest population among all Benelux countries 10K+ population cities/towns you chose. Benelux = Belgium, Luxembourg, Netherlands. Netherlands uses “urban centers” which is the closest thing to a city they have.

hugequiz Premium users have the option to choose any number of cities to play the quiz with (stats are processed but score isn’t saved). Simply enter #(number of cities)# to play the quiz with any number of cities from 25 to the maximum. For example, to play the 300 largest cities, type #300# to begin the quiz and you will play it with the 300 largest cities. Entering #all# will play it with all cities – all cities will also be chosen for any number chosen above the total.

Enter # of cities (50, 100, 250 or 'all')
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1 year ago

Leiden doesn’t have anywhere near 250 to 500k inhabitants

1 year ago

Arnhem Zuid is not a city or town by itself, just the southern part of Arnhem

1 year ago
Reply to  darin

I live quite nearby. Nobody classifies Arnhem Zuid as seperate from Arnhem. It’s just a part of Arnhem

1 year ago
Reply to  darin

same goes for Zwolle Stadshagen and Hengelo Noord, those are just neighbourhoods aswell

8 months ago
Reply to  jannoniempje

you’re absolutely right

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