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Benelux Largest Cities
DirectionsFirst choose the number of cities by typing ’50’, ‘100’,’250′, or ‘all’ – then try to achieve the highest population among all Benelux countries 10K+ population cities/towns you chose. Benelux = Belgium, Luxembourg, Netherlands. Netherlands uses “urban centers” which is the closest thing to a city they have.
hugequiz Premium users have the option to choose any number of cities to play the quiz with (stats are processed but score isn’t saved). Simply enter #(number of cities)# to play the quiz with any number of cities from 25 to the maximum. For example, to play the 300 largest cities, type #300# to begin the quiz and you will play it with the 300 largest cities. Entering #all# will play it with all cities – all cities will also be chosen for any number chosen above the total.
Leiden doesn’t have anywhere near 250 to 500k inhabitants
Netherlands uses urban centres as the closest thing to cities, Leiden’s is that size:
Arnhem Zuid is not a city or town by itself, just the southern part of Arnhem
Netherlands doesn’t really have “cities”…it has urban centers, and Arnhem Zuid is classified as one.
I live quite nearby. Nobody classifies Arnhem Zuid as seperate from Arnhem. It’s just a part of Arnhem
the Dutch census however does for some reason…
I’ll just accept it with ‘Arnhem’ now though 🙂
same goes for Zwolle Stadshagen and Hengelo Noord, those are just neighbourhoods aswell
They are counted as urban centres by the census, which is the closest thing Netherlands has to cities.
you’re absolutely right
I’ve updated this quiz to use Dutch ‘urban centers’ instead of municipalities – these are much closer to other countries’ definitions of ‘cities.’