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25 US States By Outline
DirectionsName the state using its abbreviation for each of the 25 random US state outlines shown. The faster you guess the more points you get.
Mine wont start. I have typed it in, and refreshed and signed into an account and everything but nothing happens. No quiz
Did you type “start” to begin the quiz? Working for me.
put in the abbreiviation, quiz ends a minute early
i gotta do flashcards or something to memorize the state abbreviations
i put the right answer in and yet it wont progress me
you need to use the state abbreviation
i hate myself. i had a streak of 4495+ for about 10. then i proceeded to mess up almost every single one and got a score of 3011. yeah
i couldnt get Maryland for the life of me. I tried MR then ML then MY then MA then i finaly realized that maryland has a d in it
It’s not recognizing my answers at all. I type in the answer, hit enter and nothing.
you just type the abbreviation for each state.
Sturggled with that as well. Perhaps it should accept full names? Not keen to learn abbreviations 🙂
gonna stick with abbreviations so people can answer much faster as time matters on this one
Quiz has stuck thrice when Montana shows up
odd…just tested a couple times and MT worked fine. I’ll see if I can replicate.
I feel like Wyoming and Colorado should be interchangeably accepted, as they are identical. Otherwise, it’s a 50/50 guess.
they aren’t though – they have different size ratios, i.e. length x width.
If they were side by side it would be easier to discern. Going rapidly it really throws a speed bump. If you can get a list without the two of those states the average person’s score will be much higher
perhaps the answer to this problem would be putting the capital? no name, just the location as a star like i’ve seen seterra done
Being from colorado I could tell the difference. I think Wy Is taller and less wide than Co