North America

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25 US States By Outline


Name the state using its abbreviation for each of the 25 random US state outlines shown. The faster you guess the more points you get.

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3 months ago

i gotta do flashcards or something to memorize the state abbreviations

10 months ago

i put the right answer in and yet it wont progress me

1 year ago

i hate myself. i had a streak of 4495+ for about 10. then i proceeded to mess up almost every single one and got a score of 3011. yeah

1 year ago

i couldnt get Maryland for the life of me. I tried MR then ML then MY then MA then i finaly realized that maryland has a d in it

1 year ago

It’s not recognizing my answers at all. I type in the answer, hit enter and nothing.

1 year ago
Reply to  darin

Sturggled with that as well. Perhaps it should accept full names? Not keen to learn abbreviations 🙂

1 year ago

Quiz has stuck thrice when Montana shows up

1 year ago

I feel like Wyoming and Colorado should be interchangeably accepted, as they are identical. Otherwise, it’s a 50/50 guess.

9 months ago
Reply to  darin

If they were side by side it would be easier to discern. Going rapidly it really throws a speed bump. If you can get a list without the two of those states the average person’s score will be much higher

1 year ago
Reply to  hines1

Being from colorado I could tell the difference. I think Wy Is taller and less wide than Co

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