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Netherlands City Coverage
DirectionsFirst choose a difficulty by typing ‘beg’, ‘int’, ‘adv, or ‘exp’ – Beginner is 25km radius, Intermediate 10km, Advanced 5km, and Expert 2.5km. Then, enter Dutch cities and all other Dutch cities within that radius will automatically fill in.
For this quiz ‘cities’ refers to ‘urban centers’ – this is the closest definition the Netherlands uses for a city.
hugequiz Premium members will see the 25 largest missed cities at the end of the quiz as large, purple markers.
Premium members can now also play a 3-hour time limit ‘custom’ coverage quiz of any distance from 1km to 50km, simply enter the distance followed by a ‘.’ instead of choosing from one of the four levels, i.e. ’35.’ Quiz score is not recorded for the custom coverage option.
Diemen is still an independent town and municipality in the province North Holland.
Diemen – Wikipedia
It is on my munis quiz for Netherlands but is not listed on my source as an ‘Urban Center’…
Leiden definitely does not have 250k+ citizens
Netherlands uses urban settlements for its census:
I have got a list of all “living cores” from cbs (all places which normal dutch people will count as a place, blue sign when entering). I can send it to you if you are interested.
yes I can look at it, send to my email on the contact page.
I have send it to your email
Sorry, saved the document at a strange place. I have send the shapefile to you at the 4 of december, hope you received it well
yes got it. will see if i can use it for a quiz
When entering results the number of cities adds up, but it shows for example 10 out of 0….
Haren, in the province groningen, a clearly separate village from the city, is missing
the Dutch census counts Haren (as well as Ten Boer) in the Groningen urban centre total.
Thanks for your reply, the link goes to the municipality of Groningen. But I saw that Haren (not Ten Boer) is also taken as part of the urban centre Groningen (strange choice but okay).
Maybe you can add Heerenveen, Hogeveen and Wijbosch.
Hogeveen is not an urban centre. The other two are in this quiz.
it is Hoogeveen
goirle is missing. and what about zaandam/zaandijk/zaanstad?
My source shows them as municipalities only not also cities or towns, even though Wikipedia does. Maybe something changed, but I’m going to rely on my source for now for those.
you must add Zaanstad. it is a city. according to my passport the city i am born in!
Ha – Netherlands actually doesn’t even have cities technically – if my source adds it I will too 🙂
the first city in the Netherlands was founded in 1061. Not sure by what you mean technically doesn’t have cities…
I believe their census doesn’t call them cities but rather urban centers
Could Brunssum be added?
it’s a municipality. this quiz uses urban centers which are the closest things the Dutch have to cities.
Brunssum is both a municipality and a city. Same as Landgraaf.
ah i see – will get them added and adjust perfect scores accordingly.
Schiedam not an Urban Center?
nope just a municipality
It’s both:
ahh just added it 🙂
how can I see the one I forgot?
need to be a Premium Members per directions.
Drenthe is so devoid of life