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Sweden City Coverage
DirectionsFirst choose a difficulty by typing ‘beg’, ‘int’, ‘adv, or ‘exp’ – Beginner is 100km radius, Intermediate 50km, Advanced 25km, and Expert 10km. Then, enter Swedish cities/towns (anything denoted as a ‘settlement’ by the Swedish census) and all other Swedish cities/towns within that radius will automatically fill in. Occasionally multiple place names are used for a single locality – any of those places are accepted for an answer.
hugequiz Premium members will see the 25 largest missed cities at the end of the quiz as large, purple markers.
Premium members can now also play a 3-hour time limit ‘custom’ coverage quiz of any distance from 5km to 200km, simply enter the distance followed by a ‘.’ instead of choosing from one of the four levels, i.e. ’35.’ Quiz score is not recorded for the custom coverage option.
1328/1972 :/ fick Jokkmokk och lite av sapmi med dock 😀
1967, jävligt svårt med västra norrland dock(:
1508 på “adv”-nivå. Inget att skryta med men jag är tysk, inte svensk 😀
1952/1972 nytt pr
1955/1972 jävlar den va svår
står att rekordet är 1877 kompis