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UK 2,000 Km Challenge (Premium Only)


You have 15 min or 2,000 km to travel the UK trying to total the highest total population of 1K+ cities visited. How to play: Enter any 1K+ UK city to begin (see NAMING NOTES below). A marker will be placed there. Next, enter a (hopefully) nearby 1K+ city. The Google Maps route and next city will be displayed, and the population counter will accumulate. Continue ‘visiting’ more cities trying to get the highest population before reaching 2,000 km. Once you enter a city that pushes the total distance over 2,000 km, the game will end.

NAMING NOTES – due to many UK cities having similar names, you must add a ‘.’ at the end of each entry, i.e. ‘london.’ or ‘leeds.’ – also some UK cities have similar names – i.e. there are 5 Suttons – to choose the correct one (usually the largest) type ‘sutton1.’ – the ‘1’ refers to the rank among the Sutton in terms of population, and you still need the period at the end. So if an answer isn’t taking you may have to add a number (usually a ‘1’) before the period as there are other places with the same name.

Please note – this quiz is only available to hugequiz Premium members, as it costs money for me to use the Google Directions API and this quiz is more costly than the other street view ones.

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