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France 1K+ Cities 50 Km Coverage Challenge


Choose any 1K+ French city (see naming notes below), then continue naming 1K+ French cities which are within 50km of any previously named city, trying to accumulate the most total cities covered. If you name a city outside a blue circle, the quiz will end.

NAMING NOTES: because of the number of similarly named French cities you must end each city with a ‘.’ and use the full city name, no partial names are accepted – i.e. ‘paris.’ or ‘laseynesurmer.’ (just ‘laseyne.’ is not accepted in this quiz) – also, there are some cities with the exact same names, to choose the one you want simply enter the department name after the city, for example there are multiple ‘Chatillon’ names, to choose the one in Hauts-de-Seine simply type ‘chatillonhautsdeseine.’ – you still need the period.

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