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All Time Highest Worldwide Grossing Movies By Letter – Choose Letter (Live)
DirectionsFirst choose any letter by typing it (or ‘#’ for movies beginning with a number), then name the top worldwide grossing 50 movies beginning with that letter. Leading ‘A’, ‘An’ or ‘The’ is not counted toward the first letter. Total worldwide gross and year shown. No need to type in leading ‘A’, ‘An’ or ‘The’ – movies starting with these are noted.
This quiz is LIVE meaning it is updated daily with the latest box office figures.
How have more people gotten American Wedding and Reunion than American Pie?
Does the fact that it’s live make it more difficult to accept alternative names? Like Hauru no ugoku shiro is Howl’s Moving Castle, but the English title isn’t accepted.
I can manually add alternate answers that will stay in place. will do that for this one soon.