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Billboard Weekly Hot 100 Songs – Choose Artist


First choose any artist with at least 5 songs which have reached the Billboard Weekly Hot 100 (over 1500 artists) by typing their name and choosing them from the drop-down list. Then, name the different songs from that artist which have reached the Weekly Hot 100. Date first reached and debut chart position shown. First two words accepted for longer titles. Any songs which have multiple artists listed (excluding an artist listed as ‘featured’) will have songs not listed under the individual artist’s name and only be listed if the combo of artists have at least 5 songs reaching the Weekly Hot 100.

Enter artist name to choose from drop-down list.
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2 years ago

MInor issue: the 1996 Pearl jam single name is incomplete

2 years ago
Reply to  Klinkhamer

Oh I see that happens a lot…

2 years ago

I’m not sure if it works for all other artists or not but it is missing a significant number of John Mellencamp songs.

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