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East Asia 50K+ City Coverage
DirectionsFirst choose a difficulty by typing ‘beg’, ‘int’, ‘adv, or ‘exp’ – Beginner is 300km radius, Intermediate 200km, Advanced 100km, and Expert 50km. Then, enter East Asia 50K+ cities and all other East Asia 50K+ cities within that radius will automatically fill in. East Asia refers to China, Japan, Mongolia, North Korea, South Korea and Taiwan.
hugequiz Premium members will see the 25 largest missed cities at the end of the quiz as large, purple markers.
Premium members can now also play a 3-hour time limit ‘custom’ coverage quiz of any distance from 10km to 500km, simply enter the distance followed by a ‘.’ instead of choosing from one of the four levels, i.e. ‘350.’ Quiz score is not recorded for the custom coverage option.
lol i thought this was asia map