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Europe 10K+ City Pairs Proximity Blackout – Choose Country


First, choose a European country (a few are not included as they have under 10 qualifying total cities) by entering it and choosing from the drop-down box – you will then be presented with a 5×5 table of random 10K+ cities among the 100 largest in that country (may be under 25 cities if less than that exist in that country). The object of the quiz is to pair up cities two at a time which have the shortest distance between them. Any cities with the same name in a country were left out of this quiz to avoid confusion.

Single click on a city’s text and it will highlight red. To choose the other city of the pair click another city’s text. Also, you can re-click on the first city to deselect it. The distance between them will be shown and you will get up to 100 points. 100 points corresponds to the closest pair of cities, 0 points to the farthest apart pair – scores decrease based on the distance of your two cities related to the possible range of distances. Those two cities will then be replaced with their score and you will now choose the closest pair of cities from the remaining 23 cities which have been adjusted to have 100 and 0 corresponding to the closest/farthest pairs among those 23, and so on until you run out of time or complete all pairs of cities leaving only 1 or 2 left.

You get a 100 point bonus for completing all pairs within 5 minutes.

Enter country name to choose from drop-down box.
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9 months ago

new record in France !!!

11 months ago

can you make the box a little smaller so it’s possible to timer+box at the same time without scrolling?

11 months ago

Sometimes it is hard to understand how the scores are calculated. For example, I got a score of less than 90 for matching Ingolstadt and Erlangen for Germany. There were no cities anywhere close, definitely no combination of either would have yielded a shorter distance

11 months ago
Reply to  darin

In this case I am 100% certain, yes. I have tried the quiz multiple times and noticed similar strange calculations, so I was actually re-trying the quiz until I found a case that was as clear as this one.

11 months ago
Reply to  darin

For example, I took the quiz again now, and Munich – Augsburg gave me a score of 96. I am not sure how there could be a closer according to the definition and selection you use… If you like I can send you the screenshot

11 months ago
Reply to  darin

OK, I see. So it means one needs to be extremely lucky to get a high score because it depends more on the original selection of the cities and not so much on the ability of finding the closest pairs? Like, when half of the cities are extremely close (e.g. all in the Ruhr area), it may be impossible to get any decent scores for all remaining pairs (e.g. in Bavaria, Northern Germany where cities are all further apart).
Sorry for bothering you so much about this, I just thought it was a bug but if this is by design, then of course I misunderstood

11 months ago

I saw a double city in The Netherlands

11 months ago
Reply to  darin

It was Middelburg if I remember correctly. I see the problem mentioned above as well, got a quiz with Sittard and Kerkrade and the score was something like 95 while no other city was present in the vicinity of this isolated part of The Netherlands

11 months ago
Reply to  darin

I get it know, took me a couple of days 🙂

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