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Europe Google Street View Challenge (Large Cities)


You will be given a Google Street View window randomly placed near the center of European city of population 250K+ in which you can move around in. Name the European city where you are located within 2 minutes. The faster you answer, the more points you get. Max points is 100 for guessing in 10 seconds or less. Also there is a max of two Russian cities you will be shown.

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1 year ago

idk if anything can be done about it but both Gothenburg and one of the Ruhr Cities (iirc) in Germany have a long tunnel within quiz range and sometimes you cant even make it out of the tunnel in the 2 minutes

3 years ago

I love this quiz! It does have some quirks, like ending up on board of a ship without being able to move in any direction (Belgrade), in the middle of a forest with no city in sight (Espoo), and starting off in a random demolished industrial backyard (literally every city in Ukraine – I really know Chernivtsi very well now by the way). Awesome! Would be really nice to have some kind of extended “detective version” of this game, including also smaller cities, but with way more time to complete it so that you don’t, at some time, just start typing random cities till the time runs out

4 years ago

Would it be possible to make this a 2 player game? Would love to get dropped in the same random cities as a friend on his/her computer and then compete!

4 years ago

Fun quiz! Regarding Klinkhamer’s comment and your answer, darin, about the 1/4 mile, the definition of “near the center of European city” is a bit problematic. I wonder if the marker is in the geographic center, which may in some cases be miles away from the actual city center. I got what I looked like a dairy farm in Helsinki and it was all but impossible to get. They’re short on dairy farms in the center of the Finnish capital 😀

Also, how is almost every Russian “city center” basically an (often unpaved) village street? I haven’t visited so can’t comment on the accuracy.

4 years ago
Reply to  darin

Perfect, thanks! 🙂

4 years ago

Are these locations randomly picked by a generator or very cunning by you? Cause I just ended up in a Finnish forest. Well beats vacation in Holland. 🙂

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