North America

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US Closest Cities To Your Location – Choose Number


Begin by entering a number of cities – ’50’, ‘100’, ‘250’, ‘5h’ or ‘1k’ – then name the closest US cities to your geographic location (as determined by your browser’s location function). To use this quiz you will have to choose ‘Allow’ if your browser asks to share your current location – you also may have to restart the quiz after choosing this. If your browser does not allow getting your location the quiz will not load.

Enter number of cities to begin ('50', '100', '250', '5h' or '1k').
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9 years ago

Any idea why South Haven Michigan would show up twice?

7 years ago
Reply to  fsfwannabe

Charter Townships. Two states have them — Us (Michigan) and New Jersey.

Hint: There’s a city near Detroit with a population around 99K (as of 2013… If the data was current the population would be around 101K, giving Michigan 7 cities above 100K again!). That city is a Charter Township… and it borders my hometown, so forgetting it is kinda insulting to me.

9 years ago

Wow, impossible. I know exactly two places in Maine (could probably get a few others on accident), and neither is part of the “easiest” level. Love the idea for this series, though.

9 years ago
Reply to  Fojin

Try the 10k version, it smoothens that a bit… though playing these quizzes from an European location we never get past New England much.

9 years ago

Out of curiosity, who are the other players whose percentages appear at the bottom of the screen? Are these everyone who’s done this quiz, or just those somewhat close to me, or those with the exact same set of cities that I have?

9 years ago
Reply to  Questy

I think those are the all players that took the same level quiz regardless of their location. This is interesting because almost everyone will have a different set of cities to guess but the scoreboard is the same for everybody.

9 years ago

Ok, this is a clever twist to the usual US cities quizzes but European players are stuck with small Maine cities at least up to the 250 level… the 500 isn’t working BTW. I think the quiz would work better if cities had a minimum of 10k so that other states could come into play.

9 years ago
Reply to  darin

Ah,”5h”… so used to the 500 that I’ve missed that. Yes, this is more aimed at the US located players… even at 500 I get all of Maine and only a tiny bit of New Hampshire and Massachusetts. Being at one of the Westernmost locations in Europe I don’t think players from other European places will get significantly different results than me. Very good idea though.

9 years ago
Reply to  soundscape

I think it’s aimed at mainland North American players. Think about those in, say, Toronto or Vancouver.

9 years ago
Reply to  Ovamiat

Yeah sure, Canadians too.

9 years ago
Reply to  soundscape

Don’t forget Mexicans and those in the Caribbean, although anyone in the Bahamas gets the Miami area stuffed down their throats…

Even Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, the Philippines, Australia and New Zealand get better coverage than those in Europe!

8 years ago
Reply to  Ovamiat

It’s the reverse of the World version if you’re in the US. American players on it only get cities in the Americas (unless they’re in Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico or Maine…)

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