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World Capitals


Name the capitals of the world. Countries will fill in when their capital is named. Use administrative capital if there are multiple. ‘Top’ categories on bottom right refer to the population of the capital city. Red markers are also added for Oceania/Caribbean countries whose outlines are difficult to see – the markers are near the country centroids, not necessarily right where the capital is. You do only start with 5 minutes, but there are time bonuses. Quiz may take a few moments to load.

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Martin Gallois - 71 views

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9 months ago

San Juan for PR???

9 years ago

Why do you only have to type “Sri J” for Sri Lanka? Not fair to those who can actually spell it…

9 years ago

I must admit that, even as a perennial quiz taker on Sporcle, I have never heard of Palau’s capital (just googled it). I suppose most quizzes just accept Melekeok?
Anyway, it didn’t show up in the “25 Missed”, instead it showed me “Djibouti” for whatever reason.

9 years ago
Reply to  Fojin

If you look at a map or do a Google Image search for the said capital you’ll notice that it’s not a proper city/town/whatever it’s basically just the ridiculously large and out of place capitol building of Palau. For a country with 17k inhabitants…

9 years ago

I’m amazed I got 196, well, 195 before I googled for Roseau. All this after I hadn’t looked at any capitals games in a while (like on Sporcle). I even remembered Palau’s ‘new’ capital.

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