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Germany Cities 10×10 Blackout


Fill in the 100 squares with German cities based on the categories in the top row and the state given in the cell. For example, if you are looking at a cell with ‘Bavaria’ in its row, and ‘Starts With M’ in the column, that cell can be filled in with ‘Munich.’

Full names of cities must be used otherwise the quiz is a little too easy. For example, no shortened versions such as ‘Neustadt’ for the many ‘Neustadt an der…’ cities are accepted.

Occasionally a cell may not have a qualifying answer, in which case it will appear blank and be a gimme.

hugequiz Premium members will see missed answers in red – they will be the largest city which qualified in each cell.

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1 year ago

Why does Hannover not count as a city with 8-9 letters for Lower Saxony?

1 year ago

I think this will become one of my favorite quizzes here. Anyway – something seems to be wrong with the Pop 250-500k category, mostly it shows empty fields (where there are actual cities that would fit…)

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