North America

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US 1K+ City Closest Coverage


First choose a difficulty by typing ‘beg’, ‘int’, ‘adv, or ‘exp’ – Beginner is 100 cities, Intermediate 50 cities, Advanced 25 cities, and Expert 10 cities. Then, enter 1K+ population cities and the closest 1K+ N cities (where N is the number based on your difficulty) fill automatically fill in.

hugequiz Premium members will see the 25 largest missed cities at the end of the quiz as large, purple markers.

Premium members can now also play a 3-hour time limit ‘custom’ coverage quiz of any number of cities from 5 to 200, simply enter the number of cities followed by a ‘.’ instead of choosing from one of the four levels, i.e. ‘150.’ Quiz score is not recorded for the custom coverage option.

Enter level to begin ('beg', 'int', 'adv', or 'exp').
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5 months ago

The quiz isn’t working. I’ll type in “beg” and the timer will start, but no cities will start filling in when I type a name. I tried adding the state abbreviations, no avail. I’m using Chrome.

1 year ago

I’ve been working on the Intermediate difficulty level. Started off in the low 170’s and am down to 139. Areas like Chicagoland, Pennsylvania and California have proven the trickiest to reduce the number of cities. I’m also counting doubles, like having to do the city of Ava to do Avalon in California and Lake in Michigan to get Lake Placid.

1 year ago
Reply to  warderjack

Intermediate list is down to 128. The hard part is how long it takes to run through each time to see what the new tested city does. I’ll often have to change out a lot of cities just to see if I can eliminate 1 from the order. Florida, PA and TX have been the most challenging.

1 year ago
Reply to  warderjack

Yes running 120+ takes a long time and is very cumbersome…but still a very neat challenge.

1 year ago
Reply to  warderjack

As someone from Pennsylvania here are some good towns to know. State College, Erie, Allentown, Scranton, and Harrisburg. They help to fill in the mostly empty middle and help fill in some of the edges.

1 year ago
Reply to  warderjack

My list is at 123. A big breakthrough was Mountain View, which shows up on the Big Island of Hawaii and a number of places on the mainland – prior to that I had to use 3 cities to cover all of the state of Hawaii.

1 year ago
Reply to  warderjack

Intermediate list is now at 120. Nearly all of these are cities that occur in multiple states, so it’s getting really hard to find ones to remove since they are useful in several areas. I use Lake (not at all useful) to get to Lake City (which is extremely useful) and can’t seem to find a good combination of two cities that takes care of all the areas Lake City clears out for me. I only recently added Portage, which was huge in the upper midwest, and there are some surprising names like Winfield that occur pretty often.

1 year ago
Reply to  warderjack

Wow, very nice. I haven’t tried making an intermediate yet (aside from putting in my beginner list and finding I was nowhere near filling it LOL). Yes those were the areas that were most difficult to fill on beginner too.

1 year ago

My list is at 67, I keep playing around with different alternatives, but fear that I will have to make some massive changes to cut down below. The most frustrating this is that I keep getting Barstow as one of my last cities that doesn’t quite get clipped by all of the previously named cities.

1 year ago
Reply to  warderjack

yeah SoCal is tricky. I started using Del Mar at one point and it helped with SoCal and a specific spot of the east coast I had trouble with

1 year ago
Reply to  yanks250125

The cool thing about Del Mar on Intermediate mode is that it just clips Avalon.

1 year ago

got this down to just typing 70 towns to cover the country. was at over 100 and moved some names around. think I might be able to remove a couple more before maxing out

1 year ago
Reply to  yanks250125

got it to 66 now

1 year ago
Reply to  yanks250125

down to 62

1 year ago
Reply to  yanks250125

got it to 61 (including likes of the double of “Alto” needed to get to “Altoona”)

1 year ago
Reply to  yanks250125

(able to delete Vinton with a new town I found that covers other multiple areas)

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