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Oscar All Nominated Films By Letter – Choose Letter
DirectionsFirst choose any letter by typing it (or type ‘#’ for films not beginning with a letter, such as a number or punctuation) – then name every single film to be nominated for an Oscar – any category for any official competitive nomination (i.e. no special awards that had no competitors). Movies are counted for actors/actresses etc as well for that movie – anything that the Academy attaches that movie to for a nomination. Number of nominations and year of film shown – movies beginning with ‘A’, ‘An’ or ‘The’ will have the movie title under the letter following the article (i.e. ‘The Godfather’ will be under ‘G’) and the article will be shown as part of the hint. Object is most nominations, not films. First two words accepted for longer titles – titles sorted A-Z based on the name from the official Oscars site and not including any leading ‘A’, ‘An’ or ‘The’.