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Rolling Stone’s Greatest Albums Of All Time Artists – Choose Number


Enter ’50’, ‘100’, ‘250’, or ‘All’ to begin. Then name the artists of the greatest albums of all time according to Rolling Stone’s 2020 revision of the 500 greatest albums of all time. Album title and year shown – first two words suffice for longer artist names. (Self) means a self-titled album – ‘______’ replaces the band name included in the album title.

Enter number of albums to begin ('50', '100', '250', or 'All').
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4 years ago

Band at #211 isn’t working

8 years ago

Seriously, Kanye West at #118? How can a modern artist be that high when music, for the most part, has sucked since 1997?

Honestly, the only good artist that debuted after 1996 is Eminem.

8 years ago
Reply to  Ovamiat

Do you really think mankind decided to stop making good music 18 years ago? Seriously, there is so much good music made before and after 1997. The problem may be your old fashioned taste of music, and not the music itself…

8 years ago
Reply to  Lukasvds

Yes I do think that mankind decided to stop making good music after 1997, but I also think some artists have decided to start making good music again, namely Daft Punk and Taylor Swift.

7 years ago
Reply to  Ovamiat

Indeed, music is starting to get better again. Bruno Mars is leading the charge, Taylor Swift leading the women. Eminem shows no signs of letting go of the #1 spot in Rap any time soon, and guess what? Rock And Roll STILL isn’t dead!

Six years ago, I said music wouldn’t improve for at least 15 years. Four years ago, I thought there were signs of improvement for the first time since 1999-2000. Two years ago, I started becoming more optimistic, saying we’d start getting good music again by 2020.

Now, the only thing really holding music back is the massive amount of crap in the Hip-Hop and Country genres. Everything else (even Pop!) is showing massive improvement. If we can get rid of the utter $h!t in Hip-Hop and Country, i’ll take back my statement about music sucking sometime between 2019 and 2022. I’m not thinking we’ll get back to pre-1995 quality any time soon, though, but it’ll be a LOT better than it was between 2006 and 2010 for sure!

6 years ago
Reply to  Ovamiat

Every decade has bad music. The overwhelming majority of popular singles from the 60s, 70s, and 80s you would find lame, so I think you’re just choosing to live in the past. Taylor Swift and Bruno Mars and current Eminem is some of the worst music I’ve heard in my entire life, there are plenty of great artists out there now.

4 years ago
Reply to  Ovamiat

Lol what a goofy take. Kanye West has released some of the most revolutionary, influential, and well-produced albums of the 21st century.

Bruno Mars? Taylor Swift? Come on. Eminem made good albums 20 years ago, but doesn’t have a single project that can touch Kanye’s My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy. Dude is batshit, especially when off his meds, but he’s crafted some bonafide classic albums.

Beyond Kanye, Kendrick Lamar? Lupe Fiasco? Mos Def? Outkast? Kid Cudi? Noname? Anderson Paak? There are a handful of relatively mainstream artists other than Kanye that would shit on Eminem and the rest of your statement too. And that’s just in the sphere of hip-hop. Only proves you just haven’t been paying enough attention.

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