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Songs By Artist – Choose Artist
DirectionsFirst, choose one of thousands of artists by typing a name and selecting. Then, name that artist’s songs (based on all tracks on albums by that artist on Spotify). So this will include Deluxe/Live/Remastered editions – anything listed on Spotify, but keep in mind Spotify does not always have all albums. First two words accepted for longer titles. You must be exact with the title names – due to the amount of data in this quiz I’m unable to manually input alternate answers.
The issue with the quiz never getting past the ‘Please Wait’ message should be fixed now.
Try reloading – or waiting a little longer after the quiz loads before choosing an artist. It’s a good chunk of data that’s loading.
I gotta request The Tragically Hip and Ween. Thanks!
NIrvana seems to have some double albums in the list between 150-200 and 200-250
Nirvana’s aren’t doubled they are similar named albums with different tracks.