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US Closest 1K+ City Random Location Challenge – Choose State


Begin by entering any state abbreviation to choose that state (for example, ‘CA’).

The object of this quiz is to name to closest US 1K+ city in your chosen state to each purple marker that appears within your state. When you begin the quiz you will be placed in a random location in your selected state (might be over a body of water, but won’t be over an ocean) which will be denoted by a purple marker. Name the closest 1K+ US city also in that state to this marker by typing in the city name followed by a ‘.’ (period). You will then be given a score up to 100 (100 being the closest 1K+ city) based on how far away your city is in relation to how far away the closest one is. You get 25 cities for a maximum of 2500 points. If you name a city that has the same name as another possible answer, don’t worry – the closest city of that name will be chosen.

Enter state abbreviation to choose state (i.e. 'AZ')...
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