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US Population Coverage
DirectionsFirst choose a level by typing ‘beg’, ‘int’, ‘adv’ or ‘exp’ – beginner is 5,000,000, intermediate is 1,000,000, advanced is 250,000 and expert 100,000. Then, begin naming cities. All cities starting with the city you chose and moving outward will begin filling in until you’ve hit a total population equal to or greater than your chosen level’s threshold. For example, if you choose ‘int’ – the threshold is 1 million. If you choose ‘omaha’, then Omaha, NE will fill in and because its population is under 1 million, successive cities moving outward from Omaha will fill in until the total population reaches at least 1 million. If you chose New York, only New York, NY would fill in as its population already meets your threshold.
hugequiz Premium members will see the 25 largest missed cities at the end of the quiz as large, purple markers.
Premium members can now also play a 3-hour time limit ‘custom’ coverage quiz of any population from 50,000 to 10,000,000, simply enter the population followed by a ‘.’ instead of choosing from one of the four levels, i.e. ‘750000.’ Quiz score is not recorded for the custom coverage option.
Lol, typing in Springfield on Beginner crashed the page
Is this quiz broken? When I type in “Int” the areas are still so small – might be a bug?
nope it’s working – keep in mind for large cities for this coverage quiz ‘int’ only covers up to 1 million people. The circles will be much bigger for smaller cities and rural areas…remember this is a population coverage not a standard coverage quiz.
Finally managed to complete it with 24 seconds left, I couldn’t see any gaps for ages until I zoomed in on LA and there were a few gaps so got those nearby cities but still had some left so I spammed some near NYC since it is the most populous I assumed it had a small circle
How come the best score has it in 12 seconds ? Also, we can zoom in to cheat ….city names are easy to find if you also click on a company name for example… 😉
fixing the zoom issue and high score 🙂
auto typer also need to find the most used small town names
well that would kind of be cheating lol. you need to know the cities 🙂
Managed to get 11 seconds, no cheating. In many of these coverage quizzes it’s possible to get very low timings by typing 5-10 very common city names, then just filling in the gaps. For the population coverage quizzes there’s a lot of lag which actually works in your favour if you know what cities to type. A high WPM obviously also helps.
I have the high score for most coverage quizzes on this site and for France, Spain, Germany, and the US this is how it can be done. For other countries such as Italy or Poland there’s no shortcuts, so my timings are a lot longer.
this quiz really needs a challenge version where you need to enter the state as well to register the guess. Otherwise it’s way to easy to get the prairie states.
I like it! Maybe a state-level quiz??
It took me a while to figure out how it worked, but then I really enjoyed it. Thanks so much for all your hard work.
For yet another idea, It might be interesting to be asked to choose all the U.S. cities whose names are the last names of major league baseball players, or who share a name with a city in another country.
Interesting. Would like to see this on a smaller scale as well, i.e. countries
a new quiz idea – let me know how it goes and I will add versions for other geographies.
I’m continually impressed at how you can come up with new quiz ideas and implement them so flawlessly. Coverage quizzes are what drew me to the site, an addition is always appreciated. I like how this one turns population on its head, and rewards you for guessing those small towns in the middle of nowhere.