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World 1M+ Agglo Coverage


First enter a difficulty level by typing ‘beg’, ‘int’, ‘adv’ or ‘exp’. Beginner is 500km, intermediate is 250km, advanced is 150km and expert is 100km. Every 1M+ pop agglomeration within that radius will fill in. I tried to include a few cities that may not be the main city of the agglo, but try to name the agglo’s largest/main city.

hugequiz Premium members will see the 25 largest missed cities at the end of the quiz as large, purple markers.

Try other World Agglo quizzes:
World Largest Agglomerations | World Closest Agglos To Your Location – Choose Number
World 1M+ Agglos Direction Challenge | World 50 Largest Agglomerations Elimination
Enter level to begin ('beg', 'int', 'adv', or 'exp').
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Chicago Geographer - 51K views
Geo Pasch - 14K views
Geography Challenges - 6.4K views

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5 months ago

Hey why cant i play? I type „int“ into the search bar but the game doesn’t start. Anything I‘m doing wrong? I use an iPad

7 months ago

Really would’ve though Campo Grande, Matto Grosso Do Sul, Brazil would have 1mil+ pop since the city proper is so close

10 months ago

trivandrum (thiruvananthapuram) isnt showing up for me although it should be over 1 mil

1 year ago

What website or statistics is this based on, I live in Gothenburg and I know the metro area is 1M+ but here it doesn’t show up.

1 year ago
Reply to  BolatIsOP

I saw the link now and realized that an agglomeration is the same as an urban area, not really familiar with the term.

1 year ago

I can’t seem to get Syria on advanced. Aleppo and Damascus work, but none of Homs, Hamah, Latakia, or Raqqah work and it’s not listed as completed yet

1 year ago
Reply to  blp92

Looks like I got it I just missed the message since Damascus also completes Lebanon.

I cannot get Turkey no matter what. I’ve even run down a list of the top 10 largest cities and I get through Mersin and Kayseri but never get a flag for completing Turkey

1 year ago

is there any way of seeing the cities i missed

2 years ago

There’s a city in argentina that seems impossible to get. I have 610/611.

2 years ago
Reply to  felixcroc

edit: i’m stupid

4 years ago

Not sure what’s going on with the U.S. here. How does Harrisburg, PA count as over 1 million and, say, Ft. Worth and Albuquerque don’t?

1 year ago
Reply to  dfshapir

Fort Worth suffers from the same issue as Baltimore and St. Petersburg. Doesn’t mean they can’t be answers for their metro area (Metroplex, US Capital, Gulf Coast Bay Area), though.

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