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World 250 Km Population Challenge


In 15 minutes name the World cities of 250K+ population trying to get the highest population. Population will only count when all other 250K cities within 250 km are guessed.

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4 years ago

zhoushan is misplaced, actually I feel lots of chinese cities were misplaced, but I couldn’t list them all now.
by the way, there are lots of Chinese cities were upgraded and being incorporated into other cities.
for those ‘cities’, they were no longer cities now by definition like: Dafeng, Jiutai, Jintan, Fenghua, Conghua, Zengcheng, Shuangcheng, Shangyu, Jiangdu, Jiangyan, Wujiang, Changle and so on

5 years ago

Can we PLEASE have this quiz updated, Darin?

8 years ago

Any chance of adding time bonuses for number of cities and/or population cleared?

8 years ago
Reply to  Ovamiat

There must always be the time pressure element that forces you into opting to clean some cities instead of others. Time bonuses would greatly diminish that effect… though starting with 20 minutes wouldn’t hurt. 🙂

8 years ago
Reply to  soundscape

Agreed. 20 minutes would be great, as would a population data update, especially in the US (adding Chula Vista, increasing the populations of Las Vegas, Oklahoma City, Atlanta and NYC, etc.).

8 years ago

Any chance of an update to this one?

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