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World 500 Km Coverage Challenge
DirectionsChoose any 50K+ World city, then continue naming 50K+ cities which are within 500 km of any previously named city. Please note – North/South America and the rest of the world are considered separate sections on this quiz. The game will not end if you haven’t begun one of them and then ‘jump’ over to it to begin working on it. So you get one free city to choose outside of the 500km distance if you want to start working on the section you haven’t started. But once you have started both NA/SA and Rest of World, you cannot guess a city outside a 500km circle or the quiz will end.
Naming notes: many places have similar names. For example, “Brest” is not unique. To choose Brest, France, simply type “brestfr”, using the first two letters of the country name…another example is “londonun”. Also, some answers require typing in other answers you may not want to guess. In this case, if you want to answer “Hamburg”, simply type it..”Ham, Belgium” will not be chosen. If you want simply “Ham” type ‘ham.’ with the period at the end. One other issue is multiple cities in the US with the same name, for these type in the state abbreviation and ‘us’ at the end – i.e. ‘jacksonvilleflus’ – if a place name outside the US has multiple locations in a country you can use ‘fuzhouch1’, ‘fuzhouch2’ etc for the Fuzhou’s in China.
For some reason I can’t get Kansas City. Maybe I’m doing something wrong but nothing seems to work.
How do you write Kuwait City? Can’t seem to get it to appear
It’s not on this quiz. I have older populations on this one so as not to change the total number of cities often. It was just under 50K city proper at the time.
Sydney needs a dot at the end. There is also Sydney, NS, Canada…
Sydney, NS is a former city – it’s not anymore.
Thank you for the reply! I looked it up and it is now Cape Breton. Good to know! Thanks for the update, I love this quiz
For the life of me I can’t get St Louis Missouri to pop up. Shouldn’t that be stlouismous?
just ‘stlouisus’
I typed San Francisco with a dot for the US one and died to a city in Argentina. I guess it should be sanfranciscoar for that one since the US one is sanfranciscous?
Yes I fixed that – sorry about that.
How am I supposed to get Reykjavik ? It is not near any city and if I try it I get killed
Oran also does not work in Algeria, don’t know why
Some other cities start with the letters “Oran” (hint: Orange, California, USA; idk what else)
Type “Oran.” with a period/full stop
You are not supposed to get Reykjavik 🙂 A lot of cities are impossible to get without screwing yourself over. You can see that the high score is 8537 while the total number of cities is 8641, that means 104 cities are out of reach if you want to complete the rest of the map.
It’s so dumb. I type Sydney, for Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada. Which is, in fact, the answer, and i instantly lose half an hour’s progress. Didn’t have time to type Sydneyca, and why do so any cities not work? Like I have tried Wichita 100 times. Wichita, Wichitaus, Wichitaksus, Wichitakaus, Wichitakansasus, Wichitakansasunitedstates. Nothing works. This quiz needs serious fixing, it’s quite infuriating at the moment
It’s just ‘wichita.’ with the period. Sydney, NS is not a valid answer (it’s not a city anymore).
or maybe you can just read and understand the instructions like a normal person? its not very complicated
would love an Easy mode for this one
every day i wake up and pray that this quiz is updated
whens the easy version of this one coming
Oh man I’m so close to maxing out, I’m 35 cities short of 8537 completely legit. Wish me luck guys
I tried Edimbourg and Copenhague and none work why ?
it’s Edinburgh and Copenhagen.
How would I go about entering Fort McMurray, Alberta, Canada? I have tried several different inputs and I cannot find one that seems to function for the place.
I did some light research on the area and figured out it was entered in as Wood Buffalo, where Fort McMurray is the administrative office of the municipal region. My apologies for the hold-up.
i may be stupid but how do i get Los Angeles or San Francisco? Losangelescaus doesn’t work
losangelesus or sanfranciscous
tried to get to newfoundland via sydney, nova scotia, got sydney in australia
It’s not even a city anymore, and was under 50k population.
The general region nearby Sydney and Glace Bay, Nova Scotia, was amalgamated into Cape Breton, I assume to create a so-called city out of the Cape Breton municipality since Sydney had been amalgamated into it in 1995.
My apologies for the very late reply.
Typing “St Paul” seems to give you both the one in Minnesota and the one in Réunion, for free! Interesting as I don’t think there’s another way to reach Réunion.
I’ve fixed this – now you need either ‘stpaulus’ or ‘stpaulfr’
Athens doesn’t work
per naming instructions you need “athensgr”
How do I get Fuzhou, Fujian, China? Tried Fuzhouch, Fuzhou1, Fuzhoufuch, Fuzhou., and some other variations.
I’ll add a note about ones like this.
I don’t think it helps very much but I think it would be nice to have Reykjavik be independent from the other cities since there are no 50k+ population cities within the 500km radius. Australia might also be nice since Australia is very limited and eventually loses contact with other cities in 500km radius 🙂
I’m going to leave them as-is – but yeah not a good idea to choose Reykjavik nor an Australian city 🙂
I would also like to point out that several cities in California, US do not interact when typed into the guessing bar. This includes cities such as Sacramento, Los Angeles, and anything that starts with San :/
they all work, per directions you may need a period after them, or in the case of LA you need a ‘us’ after as there is a Los Angeles not in the US
I died at Medan, Indonesia because when I typed Medan it didn’t work so I tried to write Medanin for Medan, Indonesia and it killed me on Medani 🙁 🙁 🙁
ah yeah it’s ‘medan.’ with the period for that one.
Any chance we could get a version of this that doesn’t immediately kill you upon a city out of range?
I’ll maybe get one added before long
Great! 🙂
Ulan-ude in russia doesn’t work
just tried and it did
I cant seem to spell Masshad or Mashad (Iran)
mashhad 🙂 I was born there in fact 🙂
Thats awesome. Love this quiz.
colón panama won’t work
I wish there was an unlimited time mode for fun
This one is tough!
Can’s seem to get Hami (Xinjiang, China) or Kismayo (Somalia) to work
Thanks for all your maintenance on here btw
Kismayo is spelled “Kismaayo” according to his source. Was having the same problem so I had a look.
I’ve changed to accept both now.
How should I spell Masqat, Muscat.. the capital of Oman
it’s city proper population is under 50k
Hey, great quiz! Having an issue with what appears to be Sydney,NB / Cape Burton Regional Municipality. How’s that classified?
‘Cape Breton’ works. I just tried entering it as the very first city.
Is Reykjavik impossible to get?
Trying to do Coeur d’Alene which has a population of over 50k, but it seems when this quiz was last updated it had a population of under 50k.
yeah I don’t really update these challenge ones as much as paths and strategies can change a bit. but ill put new populations up before long.
a solution would be to split the leaderboards between old data and new data
Fort McMurray doesn’t seem to work despite it showing up on the map (Alberta canada)
It’s under Wood Buffalo
I cant seem to complete Jacksonville. I tried Jacksonvilleus and Jacksonville.
I also have trouble completing Kuwait. nice quiz btw 🙂
ahh – i’ll add a note in the directions, there are two jacksonville’s in the us – so it’s jacksonvilleflus
Lima, Peru doesn’t work for me, despite there being a 5-10M marker there. I also tried “limape”. Frustrating after making it down Central America into South America
it’s “lima.” with the period
Amazing quiz! Just one technical note. In cases where two or more 50k+ cities in the same country have the same name, there does not seem to be any way to enter them. Examples are Jacksonville (US), Columbia (US), and Fuzhou (China). In the US version of this quiz, you handled this by appending numbers that indicate the city’s population rank (so “madisonwi1” to enter the larger of the two Madisons in WI), but that doesn’t seem available in this quiz (none of the following work: “fuzhou”, “fuzhou.”, “fuzhouch”, “fuzhouch1”, or “fuzhou1”).
Well, I tried Anchorage on my first guess and got no nearby cities, so guess I found an impossible city!
Same goes for Reykjavik, Iceland 🙂
Kuwait City does not appear to work despite having 3+ million population.
that’s a large metro area – city proper is much smaller.
San Salvador, El Salvador doesn’t seem to work for me
you need ‘sansalvador.’ with the period.
it won’t let you do cities like Columbus, OH and Jacksonville, FL
How come Novgorod and Nizhniy Novgorod don’t work?
also I tried putting Sinop, Turkey (which has 57k) and ended up with some place in the center of Brazil, not sure if there is anything that can be done about that one tbh
Nizhny Novgorod works
How do people get the score of 8537? Is there a way to get from SA/NA to Europe or Asia? Since some can get that high score?
Nah man.. you be trippin’
There isn’t. You get a free “jump” from NA/SA to the rest of the world, and you can’t create a chain of cities to get there.
How do I input London, UK? I’ve tried a couple inputs, such as londongb and londonuk but it doesn’t seem to work.
Also where do you go in Australia to get central aus and then to get to indo/png?
Melbourne, Aus?
melbourne. with the period at the end
Why dont most capital cities work like London, Madrid etc?
ah, will update directions. the issue is they have similarly named cities so you can’t just type those names, you need to specify which London or Madrid
that’s great, thanks. Figured it out in the end but really good for those doing the quiz for the first time.
Tried for Fargo when I already had Minneapolis. “fargo” did nothing, so I tried “fargous” and the quiz ended. I don’t think I had the 1 jump yet either.
This still happens. Definitely hadn’t jumped to the other continent this time.
Also, in the instructions it says “SEE NAMING NOTES below quiz.” but there are no notes on this page.
And how does one enter Jacksonville FL (or any other city where there are 2 or more with the same name in the same country)?
you can only jump between the Americas and the other continents once.
I’d love to see a version of this quiz with extra lives. It’s so annoying to have the entire quiz completely end when you’re on a roll.
How do you enter Muscat, Oman?
i think when i got the data for this quiz the source i used had muscat’s city proper population under 50k.
Aaaaah! I entered san francisco. for the US city and died. (It was definitely valid, just not the proper input, I guess.)
This quiz can be tricky because of the duplicate names… “sanfrancisco.” will activate a small city in Argentina. For the US city you have to enter san franciscous.
doing well until i put in palma sp . game over. i thing it thought i was typing palmas.
yeah it’s just palma. with the period.
Tanta comes up whilst typing Tantan. Port More still hasn’t been fixed.
both should be good now.