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World Bordering Countries Population Challenge – 50 Countries


The object of this game is to click on successive bordering countries to ‘travel’ through up to 50 countries with the objective of accumulating the highest total population among all countries traveled through. Borders are land borders only, including causeways but not including only man-made structures. Borders include dependent territory borders, populations also include territories. Population in millions is shown.

For example, you can begin by clicking Russia – your next country can be any country bordering Russia, such as Ukraine. After clicking Ukraine you can choose any country bordering Ukraine except a country you have already visited (in this case just Russia). You must continue along your path and can’t click a bordering country from a previously-clicked country unless it borders the country you just clicked.

The 25-country version of this quiz:
World Bordering Countries Population Challenge – 25 Countries

Click a country to begin.
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7 months ago

Any hints to the solution? I’ve tried a lot of combinations and it seems I am short about 12 mil. people 🙁

8 months ago

Yeah idk how to get the highscore. I’ve spent hours on this, if anyone has a clue let me know.

8 months ago
Reply to  zigjig22

After a long time I finally got it

8 months ago

I think 6.219 billion is the highest you can go, if anyone gets a better score let me know

8 months ago
Reply to  nothankyoupls

Above 6.4b is possible. There’s quite a few ways to get above 6.3b as well

8 months ago
Reply to  revelnyet

Are there other obscure connections between countries other than denmark – canada, spain – morocco, spain – uk, uk – cyprus, france – netherlands and france – french guiana? I’ve tried this for a long time and I’m not realizing how you exactly get the highscore.

8 months ago
Reply to  zigjig22

Actually nvm I dont think there is but I’ve gotten really close now

7 months ago
Reply to  zigjig22

How did you used UK-Cyprus conection? U don’t get why that can help to get the highscore.

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