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World City Grid
DirectionsFirst choose a difficulty by typing ‘beg’, ‘int’, ‘adv, or ‘exp’ – Beginner is 15 degrees, Intermediate 10 degrees, Advanced 5 degrees, and Expert 2.5 degrees. Then, enter the largest city (min 50K population) in each grid square of the size based on your difficulty. Green squares contain answers. Adv and Exp levels may take a few moments to load.
hugequiz Premium members will see the top 25 missed cities at the end of the quiz as purple markers.
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In intermediate difficulty, what is the city in the square over east Sri Lanka? I’ve tried all the largest cities there.
Also Suva, Fiji doesn’t seem to be working. I’d assume thats the largest city in that square.
Nasinu is actually the biggest city in Fiji city proper.
it’s kalmunai
On the beginner level, it is saying Karachi has a larger population than Mumbai? Karachi has 14 million to Mumbai’s 21.
my city proper populations are from citypopulation.de…you may be referring to metro area
even in city proper, i believe mumbai has more
Karachi has a couple million more city proper.
On the expert level there is a square in Alberta and I am sure the answer is Fort Mcmurray yet no matter how much I try different ways to spell it I can’t seem to get it correct. Is there another spelling I am not aware of? If so I would love to know it! Thank you!
Fort McMurray is a urban service area and not included…it’s Wood Buffalo
Where can we get the answers ?
premium members see the top 25 missed
Update in Johannesburg vs Lusaka:
I searched up both cities in “citypopulation.de” and I got 7,860,781 for Johannesburg and 1,747,152 for Lusaka. Could there be something wrong with the “Beginner” grid?
Here are the links I used:
that’s a urban center Johannesburg population. it includes a number of cities outside the city limits.
Is this what you’re using then? https://citypopulation.de/en/southafrica/cityofjohannesburg/
“Main Places” within each municipality? (Johannesburg 957,441)
Also, “Diego-Suarez” was changed to “Antsiranana” in 1975. Had to really cross-reference that one!
both are accepted.
Also, why in “Beginner” is Lusaka considered the largest in the grid when Johannesburg is the more populated one?
not according to city proper at citypopulation.de
“Taipei” really should count for “New Taipei City”.
they are different cities, so I have them separated.
Wow! You are really fast!