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World 1M+ City Pairs Proximity Blackout


Upon clicking START you will be presented with a 5×5 table of World 1M+ population cities. The object of the quiz is to pair up cities two at a time which have the shortest distance between them.

Single click on a city’s text and it will highlight red. To choose the other city of the pair click another city’s text. Also, you can re-click on the first city to deselect it. The distance between them will be shown and you will get up to 100 points. 100 points corresponds to the closest pair of cities, 0 points to the farthest apart pair – scores decrease based on the distance of your two cities related to the possible range of distances. Those two cities will then be replaced with their score and you will now choose the closest pair of cities from the remaining 23 cities which have been adjusted to have 100 and 0 corresponding to the closest/farthest pairs among those 23, and so on until you run out of time or complete 12 pairs of cities leaving one left.

You get a 100 point bonus for completing all 12 pairs within 5 minutes, making for a total possible point total of 2500.

You will only get a maximum of 2 cities in the same country.

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13 days ago

I don’t think I understand how this game works or is scored. I just had a round where for my first guess I picked 2 cities that were less than 100km apart and got 0 points. Every other pair of cities I guess after that were over 500km apart from each other and were giving me 90+ points each. How could 2 cities less than 100km apart give me 0 points??

13 days ago
Reply to  yah511

Is there a way to show the most optimal pairings once the quiz is completed?

13 days ago
Reply to  darin

But the instructions say a 0 score is for the remaining pair that is farthest apart. How can I get a score of 0 for a pair of cities less than 100km (for reference, it was Mecca and Jeddah in Saudi Arabia), when there were other pairs that were 500+ km apart still left?

13 days ago
Reply to  yah511

I just played again and it happened again. My first guess was Taipei and Taoyuan, which were 24km apart, and I got a score of 0 for it.

18 days ago

This quiz seems to heavily favor certain cities in some countries… I get Dallas, TX every 2-3 rounds but haven’t seen a single other US city.

2 months ago


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