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World 50K+ Cities Top 3 Blackout
DirectionsFill in the 25 squares with the top three (in terms of population – less if fewer than 3 qualify) World 50K+ cities based on the categories in the top row and the geographical location given in the cell. For example, if you are looking at a cell with ‘Europe’ in its row, and ‘2+ Words’ in the column, that cell can be filled in with ‘St Petersburg’ as it is one of the 3 largest 2+ Words cities in Europe. When a cell is completed it fills in green.
Occasionally a cell may not have any qualifying answer, in which case it will be filled in bright green and be a gimme. Cells with two answers left will have a very dark green background, those with one answer left more of an evergreen shade, and finally bright green for those which have been completed. Some cells with only 1 or 2 valid answers will start with a green shade corresponding to how many answers are left.
hugequiz Premium members will see missed answers in red – they will be the largest city which qualified in each cell – only one miss will be shown per incomplete cell.
Spain seems wrong, 5 letters, Cadiz should be a viable answer. it’s got 120k people
There are at least 3 bigger cities of 5 letters in Spain – only the top 3 are accepted per instructions.
I feel like so much of this is wrong
Keep in mind it’s based on city proper populations, not metro areas. The two figures can be very different for cities with large metro areas.
I’m not sure. What is your Data Source? If i compare to Wikipedia, which partly has citiy proper numbers, it is so different. Also it seems to be different on different regon sizes (although i am not sure). E.G. China vs Asia vs Eastern Hemisphere has some strange differences. is my source for city proper populations.
you have to get lucky to get in the top 20. I got very lucky for 1, where I had top 3 and top 6 and top 9 or something and 2 word city
I know finding categories is difficult for this, but “the largest three cities with a population under 500k,” especially for a continent, is extremely obnoxious and not interesting.
You need to anticipate at what point of time the data was captured, which may involve different census years across countries. For the quiz, Sukkur, Pakistan is the most populous sub-500k city. However, the 2017 Census has its population at 551,357.
The only time that category is reasonable is for medium-sized countries like New Zealand, when the category amounts to “What are the 2nd through 4th most populous cities in NZ?”
Slightly bigger countries like Australia and South Africa might be fine. UK is stretching it a bit. China, Russia, Japan, India, etc. are absurd and likely out-of-date.
i removed the under 500K category, but will still leave the 500K-1M one.
The same problem exists if you get China, India, or Asia with the 500-1M category as the three answers are very likely wrong and arbitrary. On the other hand, you’ve reduced the odds of that happening and I can just refresh.