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World Countries
DirectionsName the countries of the world. ‘Top’ categories on bottom right refer to the population. Red markers are also added for Oceania/Caribbean nations whose outlines are not as easy to see. You do only start with 5 minutes, but there are time bonuses. Quiz may take a few moments to load.
I’m not sure how the high score leaderboard works here – are you automatically put to number 1 if you get them all (so you can see your score) or are we all joint first or did I really best the top time?!
It’s sort by score, and the by most recent, so if you are the most recent you are put on top for that score.
Ah ok thank you!
new record 15:53!!!!!
I think that is because you were the most recent person to take the quiz. I do not think that is the record
I think that is because you finished most recently
then how do you see how much time it got
it shows after you complete the quiz
It’s how much time you had left they are talking about
New record! 🙂 20:55
English spelling of the country names often is really terrible… for any person with english as second/third language this is more of a spelling test than geography….
relate man, my main language was indonesian and my secondary was javanese and english which made it much hard
20:25 seconds left, not bad 🙂
I’m trying to find an actual record for this one (as seen in my earlier thread). do you mind timing yourself on a stopwatch on your phone to see the actual time it takes rather than the time with various bonuses? 20:25 is very impressive
My best attempt yet is around 6 minutes and 2 seconds for the lot, used a stopwatch on my phone – yet it only puts me in 190th place of the highscores. A few months ago I achieved somewhere around the 30th place with a worse time, so not sure what happened there 🙂
For an initial 2 minute bouns, put in
I cant seem to get any bonus times… my best is 43 in 2:30. Are bonuses random and I am just unlucky?
bonuses start at 50 countries.
i can’t find one last country. The game says, it has a population of 250-500k. I searched throgh a Wikipedia list of all countries with their population and couldn’t find anything…
Maybe island nations like cabo verde, sao tome, mauritius etc? I havent looked up the population
Always having trouble with the island nations in Oceania, and forgot Barbados first round -_-
trying to see how fast I can do this. Current record is 16:17 time left without premium. Lmk if anyone breaks it
18:53 which I think is about as good as it gets if anyone is competitive
very impressive! may I ask what your order is?
For some reason I cant reply to your comment but I go NA, SA, Africa, Asia, Oceania, Europe.
I usually get the top 25 then I go Africa, Asia, Europe, N America, S America, Oceania
Only my second time actually completing this and i got 15:38 left on the clock. I’ll try and beat your best of 20:24 soon 🙂
Tried again after a while and got it to 21:37
couldn’t find which one I missed on the map ! had to look at the whole map while zoomed and realized it was bahrain lmao
I got 197, but the main battle was for time. I know South America, but I have 30 seconds to figure out what countries were most populous in 2015.
Did that but with Singapore 😐
how to play without time limit?
become a premium member, you get double time and the option for untimed 🙂
You can do it, but it takes a few more steps. First, you need another person, preferably one who is good at geography. Then, you need to go to, and go to the world map (microstates) map to mark down what you already did. You then name countries, your friend makes sure they are correct, then you use the scripts function to find uncolored countries to check your score.
Alternatively, rush South America then do major countries before going through Africa and Asia, and you’ll get enough bonuses to get by for a while.
Democratic Republic of The Congo. That “The” seems a bit pedantic (meaning I tried half a doze variations and didn’t land on that one). Accept variations, like “Democratic Republic of Congo”?
You can use DRC. Makes it much much easier. CAR for Central African Republic and UAE for United Arab Emirates work as well.
So hard when you’re missing 4 at the end and you have NO idea where they are in the world. And they turn out to be some of the tiny countries in Europe that you accidentally skipped over and never saw were missing.
It would be cool if every country had a little place flag, like the ones for the island countries. Each place flag could be in the capital city. That way it wouldn’t be so easy to miss a place like Singapore or East Timor. (Not that the quiz needs to be much easier — obviously lots of people are getting perfect scores.)
I’m done with this quiz but sure those red markers are helpful.