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Europe Largest 10K+ City By First Letter – Choose Country


First enter a country and choose it from the drop-down list (almost all European countries are included). Then name the largest city with at least 10K population starting with each letter in that country.

Enter country name to begin.
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1 year ago

I encountered a weird error – I typed in Spain and it brought up a list of what I presume to be the largest cities per letter per country, sorted by population. I typed in a bunch of cities it would “take” my answers but nothing was revealed and my score was [answers]/0. I kind of have an unbeatable score in Spain now though, lol.

1 year ago
Reply to  pocketleaguer

Forgot to add – issue was gone on refresh. Probably just an issue with not loading the country – the country listed was on the side, but it was clearly pulling from all European countries.

1 year ago

For the Netherlands, you included a category which starts with an apostrophe (‘). The answer for that character is given as ‘s-Gravenzande, while ‘s-Hertogenbosch is the given answer for ‘S’. ‘s-Hertogenbosch is correctly written with an apostrophe though, and should be the answer for that category instead of ‘s-Gravenzande. Or you could remove the ‘-category entirely.

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