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Albums By Artist – Choose Artist
DirectionsFirst, choose one of thousands of artists by typing a name and selecting. Then, name that artist’s albums (based on all albums by that artist on Spotify). So this will include Deluxe/Live/Remastered editions – anything listed on Spotify, but keep in mind Spotify does not always have all albums. First two words accepted for longer titles. You must be exact with the title names – due to the amount of data in this quiz I’m unable to manually input alternate answers.
Note – the issues with the data not loading correctly are hopefully fixed – let me know if any issues still – you do need to wait for the data to load and the ‘Please Wait…’ message to go away before you can choose an artist.
I’ll be adding a lot of artists to this quiz soon – I’m starting A-Z with the most followed artists on Spotify. Any naming issues with punctuation, etc let me know – I cannot manually input alternate answers for this as the data set is huge. But simple general fixes I should be able to make.