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Big Brother Contestants


Name the contestants from the US version of Big Brother. Use last names – however first names or nicknames are occasionally acceptable – first names only acceptable if they are unique – i.e. you cannot answer ‘john’ to get all of them.

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9 months ago

Seems to be missing the last half-dozen seasons. I also saw that nicknames were allowed and tried Dr Will (as shown, with punctuation, and spelled out), but that didn’t work. I eventually got it with last name, but it seems to me like that one should be allowed. Fun quiz, and the first name thing makes for an interesting challenge and game-design balance.

9 years ago

Personally I think Big Brother fans would still enjoy the quiz even if you could use first names. However, I get how one could just guess any old first name. That being said, the real fans would still have higher scores than random people.

9 years ago

Using nicknames softens the difficulty level slightly since everyone knows Mike Malin as Mike Boogie, so if anyone else had a nickname (besides fellow S2 houseguest Bunky) you should allow those to be used.

Season 2 was my favorite, by the way.

9 years ago

Yeah, I think it’s too hard as is since most players last names are never mentioned on the show. There are only a few who have become famous outside this show, appeared on other shows, etc. Maybe there could be someway to indicate the season, like S17John, so they don’t all pop in at once for totally random guesses. I don’t know, just a thought.

9 years ago

Love this quiz idea! However, very tough as most of the last names weren’t prominent throughout the show.

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