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Europe City Grid
DirectionsFirst choose a difficulty by typing ‘beg’, ‘int’, ‘adv, or ‘exp’ – Beginner is 5 degrees, Intermediate 2.5 degrees, Advanced 1 degrees, and Expert 0.5 degrees. Then, enter the largest city (min 10K population) in each grid square of the size based on your difficulty. Green squares contain answers. Adv and Exp levels may take a few moments to load.
hugequiz Premium members will see the top 25 missed cities at the end of the quiz as purple markers.
why does porto not work
not the biggest city in that square
its vigo
Why does Tampere in Finland not work? Should be the biggest in the square between Helsinki and Turku on Intermediate…
that’s Espoo
Can i not see the correct answers when im done?
per directions, Premium members can see top 10 largest cities they missed.
How is Izmir smaller than Heraklion??
Izmir is in the Asian portion of Turkey
awesome quiz. so impressed by these keep it up